Wednesday 15 April 2015


 Hey viewers! Today's post is an extra awesome interview with my good friend Annabel! A.k.a @utterlyannabelblog!! Please follow her on Instagram and to find her website link, its written in her bio! Anyways, before you read on I'd like to mention that all photos in this post are either of Annabel or taken by Annabel,

1. What's your favourite colour and why?

Annabel: I like periwinkle, blue, lime green, and mint because they are cute colours and they suit me

2. Do you have any pets? What are they? And what are there names?

Annabel:  I have a dog named zoe. We got her from the pound so were not quite sure what type she is we think border collie/schnauzer. So we call her a border snollie! :-)

 3. What inspired you to start blogging?

Annabel: well, lots of blogs I had read and my friend April said I should!

4. How long have you been blogging for?

Annabel: a few weeks! Lol

 5. What are your top five favourite websites?

Annabel: etsy, blogs, pinterest, YouTube, google
I don't really go on websites to often aha!

6. What are you thinking about right now?

Annabel: that I really should get my hockey things ready for tomorrow but I want to finish answering these!

7. Confetti or alpacas? Why?

Annabel: that is the hardest question omg! Both because confetti is awesome and so are alpacas!

8. What's your favourite sweet food?

Annabel: eclairs, fan tails, chocolate, cakes. I have a massive sweet tooth so pretty much lots of things!

9. What's your favourite brand?

Annabel: ooooohhhh... I like typo, that's all I can really think of right now...

10: what do you blog about?

Annabel: lots of things! I don't really have a specific subject :-)

Thanks annabel for doing the interview and interviewing me!!! Hope you guys enjoyed my latest post!!! Oh, and don't forget to follow Annabel and I on Instagram! @luluandcat_blog and @utterlyannabelblog

lulu xx

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